Stay At Home Mural Festival - PangeaSeed Foundation

Stay At Home Mural Festival - PangeaSeed Foundation

Stay At Home Mural Festival - PangeaSeed Foundation


PangeaSeed Foundation were the ones behind this amazing project - Stay At Home Mural Festival 2020.
In response to COVID-19, and in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22), HOME is the world’s first stay-at-home environmental mural festival.
This was a global, open call for artists to paint murals in the safety of their homes, while sheltering in place due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

From April 21-26, PangeaSeed put together a globe-spanning campaign to unite creatives around the common cause of giving our HOME planet an artistic voice as we set our sights on a world post-coronavirus. Together, we transformed drab white walls at home into visionary canvases for a brighter future. Now, more than ever, it is clear that environmental and human health is one. Above and beyond the murals, hosted diversified virtual programming which included live streaming from artists’ homes, for panel discussions, and webinars. In a time of isolation and uncertainty, apart we are still together. Art and creativity are critically important tools that can unite, inspire, and amplify important messages to the masses.

PangeaSeed Foundation // Mission: To Empower individuals & communities to create meaningful environmental change for oceans through Science, Education, & ARTivism (S.E.A).

My piece .... To me this oozes beauty, peace and coming together. Titled 'May Love & Beauty Rise' The 6 hexagons and the herons crest represent the 7 Chakras which have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels. And the beautiful lotus which is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower. LOVE IT xx Hope you enjoy.


Ema Frost Mural Prep

Ten Easy Steps You Can Take to Save the Planet! 
1.   Conserve water
2.   Be car-conscious
3.   Walk, bike or take public transit
4.   Reduce, reuse, recycle
5.   Give composting a try
6.   Switch to LEDs
7.   Live energy-wise
8.   Eat sustainable foods
9.   Plant a tree
10.   Give up plastics

Ema Frost Mural Progress ShotThis was interesting to do as we had to use what paint/materials we had before lockdown, so some of the elements I would have created slightly differently if I had access to the shops etc, but this gives you a opportunity to adapt and learn new ways of doing things. So if you'd like a Frosty Original in your home or office please get in touch, I can then workout with you what sort of imagery you'd like and we can go from there.

Ema Frost Mural in Progress Shot

Ema Frost Mural

 Can you spot my mural.....?

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